The incident as written in Sons of God, Aroused from her Sleep, Sarah Goode Marshall, pp 242: "On the night of February 23, 1865, Grandmother awoke from her sleep startled, with howling and barking of dogs. she hastened out into the darkness of the night. As she listened she distinctly heard cries for help, rushing into the house, she went to her husbands room and found him sleeping, she woke him immediately and asked him to make an investigation, that she heard someone calling for help and that they were in distress, but he consoled himself by telling her to go back to bed, that it was only wolves howling.
The following morning, teams were sent out to break road between Franklin and Oxford (the snow being deep because of a fierce blizzard) and the men discovered the frozen bodies of my Uncle John Boice Jr. and my Great Uncle George Barzee."
They are buried together in Smithfield, Utah Cemetery.

We were told an interesting story about Franklin Hill, about an optical illusion that occurs as you are driving, a rock formation make it appear a woman is carrying a papoose into a cave. When you drive in the opposite direction, the illusion is reversed, and appears the woman is leaving the cave. We didn't happen to see it... but maybe you will.
I received an email today stating the image I posted as "Franklin Hill" is known as "Little Mountain" by local residents. I have referred to it as Franklin Hill because that is the name used in our family histories. All comments are appreciated and helpful.